Six months ago, I said, "I do" to the most wonderful man I never knew I always wanted.
Five years and six months ago, I met a man who would forever change my world. He holds my heart as well as he holds my hand. Here are only six reasons why I love him.
1. He loves me. Simply. Completely.
2. He is a patient and respectful man. He never raises his voice in anger. He never rushes me along. He inspires me to be a more patient and tolerant person myself.
3. He always pulls for the underdog. Through his work, he helps many who, for many, through no fault of their own, need a voice to speak up for what is right. My husband gives them their voice.
4. He is my other half . . .the yang to my yin . . .my partner in crime. I am his co-pilot, his first mate. I have married my best friend.
5. He makes me feel beautiful and sexy, even when I have to simply take his word for it.
6. There is no one with whom I would rather travel the world. Or go to the grocery store.
Neither of us are perfect. But we are perfect for each other. Amor para siempre.
Congratulations. Beautifully romantic picture and gorgeous wedding gown!!