I know that it has been a while; for me too.
Every time I think about sitting down to write, something else take precedence, and it just never gets done.
While I have a few minutes this morning, I wanted to peek out of the rabbit hole and say hello.
I miss you.
Thanks for sticking around.
Here's what is trending in my world these days.
The in's and out's of my new job. It is like a rabbit hole; I begin one project, which detours into another and another. I LOVE my new job. I love working with my students and my co-workers, and the flexibility of location independence is a dream come true. Learning the platforms and grading assignments in a fairly self paced curriculum take time. There are times when I am inundated and other times, less so. I wouldn't change a thing.
Hot mulled apple cider. And Cinnamon Dolce coffee; I can thank my niece for this new obsession.
Reading and planning to cook my way through...
Dinner With Julie's quick cassoulet. It's quick, it's easy, and it is delicious! It makes the house smell amazing too! With a glass of red, an arugula salad, and a warm baguette... bliss.
This is Us. If you haven't started this series, you can stream it free on Hulu. It's that good.
And the soundtrack is playlist worthy.
Boston. We had friends in town last weekend, and we had the chance to play tour guide.
In Baah-stin speak, the corner store.
No matter where I go, Boston, you're my home.
Being somewhat of a stay-at-home-dog-mom. It sounds ridiculous, I know; however, I love having the flexibility to take Gracie outside at lunch time to play.
She seems to like it too.
And squeak toys are the best.
Fall colors? Yes, please.
And Snap Chat filters for days...if you're on Snap Chat, add me... https://www.snapchat.com/add/alovelylifeind. I'm always looking for fun accounts to follow.
My Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary. My brother and I planned to surprise my parents back in July. We did it, and it was wonderful.
And Happy 4th Birthday to my lovely space in the universe. A Lovely Life, Indeed turned four on November 1st.
About the election...
This election gives me anxiety. The energy, the ads, the Facebook rants, the surprising jaw-dropping views of those I hold dear...I guess I do live in a bubble. A warm, happy bubble.
And this election compels me to retreat.
But, it's critical that we get out there and vote, my American friends.
We don't have to agree on candidate or ideology, but we do have to voice our choice.
It's a big deal...and the world is watching.
Still not sure? Take the quiz from I Side With and see who parallels your thinking the most.
Also, read up on your state's ballot questions and carefully consider your options down ballot. Consider future legislation and the Supreme Court; it's not just about the executive branch.
What's happening now in your world?
Let's catch up.
Linking up with Kristin today.
Hi Kelly! So happy to see you! Happy 4th Anniversary for your blog! Which also means we have been remote friends for 4 years! Happy 50th Anniversary to Mom and Dad! So happy that you are loving your new job and also that you get to give Gracie a walk during the day! Looks as if you are eating well- or planning to in any event! And yes I am tip toeing around Facebook for I cannot bear any more political ranting. Good to see you are well and looking forward to seeing you around soon... well, other than snapchat. Big Hugs to you!