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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

From O Magazine: Change Agents

I am a longtime subscriber of O Magazine, and I love reading the contributors' questionnaire at the beginning of every issue, which relates to the monthly theme. 

The theme for the month of September is transforming your life with "one tweak at a time." Here's how I answered her questions. 

The last thing I completely transformed was...

My job. 
After working as a middle school English teacher for the past sixteen years, I recently began working as an elementary ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, working with English Language Learners. I have kindergarten and second grade students. Oddly enough, there aren't that many differences in classroom management. Love it!

The one thing I will never change is...
Drive to evolve. 
I may be called restless, but for me, it's an asset. In my drive to evolve, I remain a lifelong learner. I challenge body and mind. I find new adventures and new favorites. 

When my attitude needs an adjustment, I...
Find quiet time. 
Unplugging from the world, even for a short time, is enough to recharge my spiritual battery. I emerge refreshed and ready for whatever happens next.

The one thing that can make any day better is...
Quiet time with my husband; my world realigns. 

How would you answer these same questions? Please share and inspire me. 


  1. Our answers would be very similar. I would always read and continue to learn. I seek quiet when I need to change my attitude. A conversation with friends make everyday better.
