As someone who uses my various devices for both my personal and professional life, you can imagine the files, programs, emails, and notifications that can build up over time, even for a self-proclaimed "zero-out" person like me.
In the same way that we feel the seasonal itch to declutter our homes, it's important to declutter our digital spaces as well; at least it is for me. When I take the time to clean out unnecessary files, documents, and programs and properly file what I do need, it becomes easier to focus, find what I need easily, and stay on task with that I have to do.
And it frees up valuable space, improving overall performance (both my devices and my own.)
It can seem like a daunting task to declutter your computer and digital life, but now's the perfect time! Here are 10 easy ways to get started:
1. Uninstall unnecessary programs and apps. More space = faster, improved performance.
2. Organize your email with folders and subfolders. File or delete everything. The goal is no-scroll. To delete what's already there, group your emails by sender and bulk delete what you don't need.
3. Clean out your downloads folder. Free up space by deleting what you don't need. Then, create a system for your downloads to go directly to your desktop. Delete what you don't need at the end of each day.
4. Clean up your desktop of unnecessary icons and files. Try out a desktop organization tool to help keep folders and files organized and prioritized according to your to-do list or goals. Canva has lovely options based on your own unique vibe or aesthetic goals. Similarly, remove icons from the task bar or dock that you're not using regularly.
5. Clean up your browser. Delete your cookies, cache and history, as well as any unused plug-ins and extensions. Create a bookmark system for the websites you need to access regularly.
6. Use cloud storage. Free up space on your devices with Google Drive or iCloud. If you're a Microsoft person, OneNote is a great tool for keeping your files in their own digital binder. This makes my Gen-X, Trapper-Keeper loving brain very happy. And, you can access your files from any device.
7. Unsubscribe from emails and newsletters you no longer read. Scroll to the bottom for the unsubscribe link or use the tools built into your email operating systems to help you. You also can use an app like or the to manage your subscriptions.
8. Clean up your social media accounts and unfollow accounts that you no longer engage with or that no longer serve a purpose in your life. This will help declutter your feed and make it easier to see the accounts from friends, family, and organizations that matter most to you.
9. Delete screenshots you no longer need or move images from your device to an external hard drive. More space = faster, improved performance.
10. This is not one and done. Set a goal to declutter monthly or quarterly.
What are your best tips for decluttering your digital life? Share in the comments.
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