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Friday, September 16, 2016

Finding Your Tribe...Freedom Plan Blog Challenge...Day 6

When you have a big scary goal, you want the people around you to be supportive, but at times, those closest to you don't understand your journey because it differs from their own. It's not that they want to be unsupportive, but fear of the unknown can overpower a try and see more adventurous mindset. 

And even if those closest to you are supportive of your hopes and dreams, you still may need or want those who, already, have walked your path to shepherd you on your own journey. 

This is the power of your tribe, and this is the focus of Suitcase Entrepreneur, Natalie Sisson's, Freedom Plan's Day 6

Your tribe can consist of mentors, like the elders of your tribe or warriors who have forged the way for others to follow. 

Your tribe can consist of like minded folks who are going after their own hopes and dreams. Maybe you share a common vision or a common mindset. 

And you can have cheerleaders in your tribe, who may not fully understand your journey, but cheer you on, reminding you of why you started when things get tough. 

So, how do you build your tribe? 

Look around you? Who are your helpers? Your cheerleaders? Who are the leaders in your field? Who has done what you want to do and done it well? Who is forging their own way and documenting their victories and their challenges?

In today's focus, Natalie challenges us to identify our mentors and why their work is significant to us and what questions we would ask, if given the chance. 

One person I would love to have as a mentor is Beth Santos, from WanderfulBeth is a entrepreneur who created a community for women interested travel and global understanding. Beth found the sweet spot that we talked about in day four of this ten day challenge...freedom at the intersection of skills and passion. The community has grown to include regional events and an annual national conference, the Women in Travel Summit

Another person I would love to have as a mentor is Mara Koefed, from A Blog about Love. Mara's and her husband, Danny's blog was one of the first blogs I ever started reading regularly. For many reasons that have nothing to do with business, I was drawn to their style, their mission, and their story. I would love to sit with a cup of tea and chat about so many things, business and otherwise. 

How about you? 

Who are the mentors you would love to add to your tribe? Why are they inspiring to you? What questions would you ask them, if you had the chance?

Share in the comments, and better yet, join Natalie's free Freedom Plan Blog ChallengeSign up here 



  1. Hi Kelly! Whoa the weekend must be going too fast... I've just opened up my inbox to read this post and already, you've got another hot off the press! Impressive. I wish you your dream mentors within your tribe. I know I am already in your cheerleader tribe, and do believe I understand your journey. Big Hugs and Best Wishes!

  2. I feel so inspired every time I come to your blog Kelly! Thank you for that! =) This sentence hit home with me: "but at times, those closest to you don't understand your journey because it differs from their own." I have been losing a lot of energy over this and after reading your post I understood how to let it go! God bless you! hehehe
