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Friday, July 22, 2016

A Castle on the Side of the Road: Exploring Vimianzo in Galicia, Spain

Vimianzo is a town on the way to the end of the world, Finisterre, in northwest, Galicia, Spain. 

As you make your way into the center of town, you pass this...

Spain has its share of castles, and this one is a lovely find. 

Castillo de Vimianzo is a 12th century castle built by the Moscoso family of Mariño de Lobeira. The castle changed ownership through the years, following conflict and reconstruction. 

On July 1st of every year, the castle is remembered with the Asalto de Castillo, or Attack on the Castle, commemorating the Irmandiño War, during which people rebelled against the feudal lords who oppressed and abused them by attacking their castles and forts. 

Today, the castle is open to visitors who can observe traditional Galician handworks, including bobbin lace makers, called palilleiras, leather workers, pottery makers, basket weavers, and silver and gold smiths. 

There are plenty of photo opps in this historical "playground."  

It's a fun place to explore after lunch and a Spanish siesta. 

Vimianzo Castle is open Tuesdays through Sundays. It is maintained by the local government and it is free to explore. 

Rúa de Torre 22
15129 Vimianzo Spain



  1. We visited there and stayed nearby on our last trip to Galicia. It was a sweet place and nice area! Thanks for all your helpful Galicia travel info. Am scouring your site for ideas for the next visit. :)

  2. Lovely castle! I love to discover places like this when I am traveling ;0)
