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Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday 5: Things I Would Rather Be Doing

Here in New England, Mother Nature is still offering us her best. In fact, it has been unseasonably warm, and I'm grateful, but it's now November, so if the leaves aren't completely off the trees when this goes live, I am sure they will be soon.

Despite the beauty of the autumnal landscape, the change back to Standard time has me yearning for summer's light. The urge to hibernate nest kicks in, and I start thinking about things I would rather be doing. 

It's almost dark, and not even 5:00. 

So, thanks to Kerry from Till Then Smile Often, for this fun post idea. 

Here are five things I would rather be doing than adulting. 

1. Exploring with the SeƱor. No surprise.  

Silliness in Salamanca, Spain.

2. Cooking for family and friends. 

Using up some leftover potatoes for a tasty side dish.

3. Writing.

And backing up, because that's what you do. 

4. Hanging out with my favorite girl. 

Silly photo-booth fun.

5. Beachside anywhere. 

Never. Gets. Old. 

What makes your list? What would you rather be doing when adulting gets in the way?


  1. Yes to the beach - I'd absolutely rather be there right now! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Gorgeous fall pictures. What a fun idea!

  3. I can totally feel myself wanting to nest already. Cooking is always a good one. I will pick beach every day!!

  4. Beaching, reading, travelling, cooking, organizing, shopping!

  5. Similar tastes in leisure activities. I suspect they're universal delights.

  6. I am nesting already too. I have a pot roast in the crock pot now and I bought some cider to mull. It's November, for sure.

  7. Thank you, Courtney. Fall is so lovely. While I bemoan the time change and the colder air, I do delight in fall beauty. Beauty is everywhere; we just have to look around. :-)

  8. I think a love for the beach is a universal delight; it's so organic and lovely.
