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Monday, September 21, 2015

Mussels Mania...Mexillonada in a Tiny Galician Village

Start with a tiny seaside village in the northwest coast of Spain. 

Put up a tent...

With a bar...
Bring in a truck that turns into a stage.  
And some musicians for dancing into the wee hours of the morning...
Add a fire. 
And some mussels. 

Serve up some Galician style empanadas...
Filled with mussels...
Open up some wine...
Chat with the locals...
My husband and his tios. 

And let the good times roll. 

Even this guy's smiling...

And before the night's end, light the queimada for anyone who wants it. 

The Mexillonada is a highlight of our summer in Galicia. It's a time to celebrate with family and friends, eat great food, and join in with the community that will soon become our home. 


  1. What an amazing life you lead! It looks like everyone had an amazing time. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life with the rest of us Kelly!

  2. Oh my! How beautiful and delicious! I am not familiar with Galacia but will be looking it up soon!

  3. This looks wonderful - your photos tell such a great story.

  4. Wait a truck turned into that stage?! Amazing. Looks like a good time!

  5. Hi Kelly, now you just know this is the Post I have been eagerly anticipating, getting a closer view of this community mussel event! What fun. I love the photos and all of the people participating. The mussels look awesome, as do the empanadas, I would love to have a bite or two of one of those. It's great to see the progression on the whole set-up. Thanks so much for sharing the experience. Hugs.

  6. Looks like so much fun! I'd love any festival that includes good food, drinks and a beautiful sunset! ;)

  7. I do too, Van. And the weather was perfect. A win-win. Have a great day!

  8. It is such a big event, Peggy. It's put on by a small community organizing group and there's even a similar event in another near by port town. It's fabulous. The empanadas are so good; very different from what most people consider an empanada. You can also find them filled with bonito (a tuna like fish) or cod or even meat. They're delicious. Hugs to you!

  9. I know..crazy. And every celebration has one. They usually have a multi piece band and singers. People dance all night...right on the grass. The Spanish party well. :-)

  10. Thank you so much, Sharon! That's such a huge compliment. I hope to get better at it with time and practice. :-) Have a wonderful day!

  11. It is Spain's best kept secret. The weather outside of summer is not great; it can be rainy or gray. BUT, the summer time is spectacular! It's well worth a trip. Spain is like a living museum, and Galicia does not disappoint. I hope you get to see it sometime.

  12. Thank YOU, Rena, for stopping by. I am so happy to share this beautiful place and its people. Galicia is Spain's best kept secret. The weather outside of summer is not great; it can be rainy or gray. BUT, the summer time is spectacular! It's well worth a trip. Spain is like a living museum, and Galicia does not disappoint. I hope you get to see it sometime. Thanks again!

  13. It is at the top of our long term travel list!

  14. This is great and looks like such a good time! Spanish festivals are the best! I love the sense of community and family in Spain. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming and just looking to have the best time possible. Unfortunately I never made it to Galicia in my 2 years over there, but it’s high up on my list. Especially for reasons like this! Lovin’ that picture of the smiling mussel :D XxLauren

  15. Food, music and wine? Sounds pretty perfect in my book!
