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Friday, September 12, 2014

Five TV Shows that Defined My Childhood

Piggybacking off of last Friday's Friday 5, I started to think about the small screen. We were a tv family, for sure. I knew television story arcs like I knew my times tables. 

I had my favorites, but there were five standouts that seemed to define my childhood, either because it was something I enjoyed, or something that was on with which I had no choice in our single television household. 

1. The Brady Bunch
No doubt, this was my favorite. It was awful, I know. But, they had it all...a happy family and a dad with a job that let him take his entire family amusement parks and Hawaii.

2. Little House on the Prairie
This was a Monday night event in our house. I loved Laura...I wanted to be her. Who didn't, really? I cheered when she whipped Nellie Oleson's snooty prairie behind and I swooned, right along with her, for her hunky "Manly" Almonzo. 

3. Lawrence Welk
This is not a fun one to admit, but this was a Saturday night event at our house. My Nana came over to visit, we ate baked beans and hot dogs (sometimes with B&M New England brown bread) and then we began the Saturday night trifecta...Lawrence Welk, followed by the Love Boat, and then Fantasy Island

4. Dallas
This one is a head scratcher, but I think Dallas was a defining show because I was getting older, and I was able to stay up later. And it was something I could watch with my mom without my brother. More than likely I spent most of the time coloring or playing with my toys, but there are those watershed moments, like Who Shot JR? that define the series that I will always remember. And the theme song was fun. 

5.  All in the Family 
I can't exactly remember what night this was on...Sunday night, maybe. But it was a show we never missed. My mom loved Edith...who didn't? And Archie was a lot of things, but he loved his dingbat. We all did.  And when Mike and Gloria and baby Joey left for California, our hearts broke, right along with Edith and Archie's. Most of the groundbreaking comedy went over my head at the time, but that cast of four left a legacy that will last forever.

Your turn...what were the television shows that defined your childhood? What were your favorites?

Have a great weekend!


  1. When I was a kid, I had all the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. They were charming. I always remember Little House in the Big Woods, when Poppa spanks Laura. I can't remember why though. :) Have a good weekend!

    1. It's funny what we remember. I read a couple of the Little House books, but it was the series that captivated me. :-) Have a great rest of your week, Suheiry!

    2. I think it was because she had willfully disobeyed him and then tried to lie by omission. I don't recall the details, though!

  2. These where all my fave shows as a kids. Nice

    1. Brilliant minds think alike, Vanessa! :-) Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  3. Several of these were my favorite childhood shows, too. Except WE never got to watch All in the Family -- too grownup for us... Was at my parents' house a few weeks ago and my dad is still watching Lawrence Welk reruns and enjoying it.

    1. Hi Diane,
      My parents still watch and love Lawrence Welk too...well, my Mom Dad, not so much. :-) Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  4. I loved the Little House books and read the series countless times. I didn't like the TV show because it wasn't authentic, IMO. I loved Gilligan's Island, too. I also remember watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and we were crazy for the Flintstone's. We watched The Price is Right in the summer and then acted it out when we played outside. Nice post! :)

    1. I remember Mr. Rogers. I was more of a Sesame Street girl though. And you're so right about The Price is Right...every day at 11. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  5. Aw come on Kelly, The Brady Bunch wasn't awful, it was sweet! On Saturday nights my siblings and I performed a skit we prepared for my parents, then we had pizza and watched Adam 12 then the Andy Williams show. My Dad hated when my Aunt Elizabeth came for the weekend because Lawrence Welk was way too corny for him and he wanted to watch Get Smart... and ... Little House on the Prairie was too corny for me (lol) We also loved All In the Family- Wow! Thanks for bringing back that memory! Fun, Fun Post! Got me reminiscing!

    1. Of course it was, Peggy. That's what made it so good. :-) I never watched Adam 12, but I love Dragnet on the retro TV station. Have a great rest of your week.

  6. What a great list of shows. The Carol Burnett show was a big one for me as well as Dr. Who. Brought back some nice memories!

    1. Thank you, Carolann. I never watched the Carol Burnett show, but I know she was a genius. Dr. Who is hugely popular you watch the new one? Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  7. I loved Little House both the books and TV series. Did you know that Rose Wilder Lane (Laura's daughter) used to edit her mother's work? Supposedly they would get in arguments about it, as well.

    1. I did not know that, Caryn. That's a great piece of trivia. :-) Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  8. I was a huge Love Boat fan!! Took a cruise when I was 19 and was bummed that people were not on the deck throwing confetti like the showed on the show!! Fun Post!

    1. I loved the Love Boat too, Ann. What a disappointment that there was no confetti...well, I hope your vacation was fabulous! Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  9. I currently have 120 episodes of LHOTP on my DVR and my kids are slowly watching the entire series in chronological order. It is so fun to rewatch them as an adult.

    1. I love this! Do they love the series as well? I love watching them on the Hallmark channel. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  10. I use to watch all of these, but not Lawrence Welk much. I think my parents did because I know I have seen it. I still love the Brady Bunch. I got my daughter into it & now I'm not sure if it's on anymore. It was on the Hallmark channel. I need to check. I told my hubby I want to get the shows on dvd & he's like I hate that show. So rude. haha.

    1. Kim, I think you can find the Brady Bunch on TV Land or the Hallmark fun! Thank you for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

  11. I totally watched The Brady Bunch. All in the Family was banned in our house. I remember Saturday morning TV more than anything else and it was Saved by the Bell.

    1. Funny! I am too old for the Saved by the Bell era...did you see the new behind the scenes special about the show? Have a great rest of your week. :-)

  12. I remember the Dallas theme song coming on when I was a little girl.

    I only saw The Brady Bunch in reruns I think. It's awful. I find the movies hilarious though.

    1. The Brady Bunch is awful, no doubt. But I didn't care. I will still watch it. Hope you're having a great week.

  13. There were many classic TV shows that were aired between the 50s, 60s and 70s, that represent not only a large generation of viewers but a very powerful time in our history.
