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Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday 5: Food activism films to get you thinking

Last month's Friday 5 fed your wanderlust. Then, the next Friday 5 fed your appetite. This week's Friday 5 still is about food, but these films may get you thinking about food...where it comes from, who gets it (or not), what we do to get it, and what we do with it when we have it.  

If you have ever considered the social, political, environmental, or health impact of the food we eat and how we produce it, then these films are for you. 

Some films may challenge you, some may frustrate you, and some may inspire you.  After you've picked your favorites, please share. What are the films that challenged your ideas about the way you eat and see food? What would you add to the list?

1. A Place at the Table

2. Dive

3. The Perfect Cappuccino 

4. La Cosecha/The Harvest

5. And coming soon...Fed Up

And if you're still hungry for more....

6. Hungry for Change

7. Ingredients

8.  Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

9. Forks Over Knives

10. Food, Inc.


  1. Fed Up and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead look really good. I remember seeing Supersize Me and being floored at home sick he got from eating fast food.

    1. I can't wait to see Fed Up. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is fascinating. I'm not a juicer, but Joe makes a great case for the practice, at least temporarily. Vegucated is really good too, but I forgot to add it to the original list. Have a great week!

  2. Great films. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real party. We hope you'll join us again this week.

    1. Hi Gaye! Thank you so much for the opportunity to link up! Looking forward to next week! :-)
