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Saturday, February 8, 2014

New England Winter

I'm a New England girl, and New England winters can be harsh. And long.

But they are lovely...

What's winter like in your world? What do you enjoy most? 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Suheiry! I'm not a fan of winter, but it does look pretty in pictures. :-) Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Sure looks like a beautiful winter! Winter wonderland. c:
    I love the picture of the icicles.


    1. Thanks, Harlynn. A winter wonderland it is. And another foot of snow is on the way for later this week. A winter wonderland, indeed.

      When is spring? ;-)

      Thanks so much for visiting!

  3. It really is pretty when it first snows! I like staying inside with hot cocoa! ;)

    1. Thanks, Kerry. I think it's pretty pictures. ;-) I'm snow fatigued and eagerly awaiting spring. More snow this week. A winter wonderland, indeed.

  4. I live in Canada so my winter looks pretty much the same! Bit more snow though maybe, haha. Thanks for linking up with photography friday!

    1. Hi Jessica, I believe it! We were in Quebec one April and there was still snow on the ground. Crazy! Thank you for the opportunity to link up! Cheers!

  5. Been there, done that for almost 10 years before moving back to my country. In that time, I only experienced 3 blizzards and I kind of hated them because how messy it was to get to work and move around in general. It was magical when the snow stopped, early in the morning, when it was still pristine white... what a view! Now, I miss it a bit, since we don´t have snow where I live these days.

    1. Hi Nat. :-) Thanks so much for stopping by. In what country do you live now? I have lived in New England most of my life. When I didn't, I missed the seasons, but never the ice and snow. I'm back in New England though, so I shouldn't complain. It is pretty, for sure. Thanks again.
