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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Back to Basics Update...Month 1

One month ago, I pledged to get back on track. I promised myself that I would go back to basics...practicing those habits that helped me lose over 100 pounds nearly three years ago.

Here I am, one month later. I am still trying to get back on track, but I understand that every day brings choices, and every day I must make good choices. I don't always succeed.

I continue to remind myself that I cannot exercise away a poor diet, but that I can workout to get body, heart, and mind.

My goals this month are still basic and important.
  • move my mass every day.
  • make two workouts a week focused on strength or core training.
  • eat protein and veggies first.
  • drink at least 80 ounces of water a day.
  • know and honor my hunger and full signals.
  • eat for hunger and not for appetite.
  • weigh in on the 11th of each month and stay accountable.
My starting weight...177.
Today's weight...169 (-8)

Not bad. I have some ground to make up, but if I eat clean and train hard, hopefully, I will make up the difference.

I'm on it.


  1. Those are great goals and totally manageable! Already down 8 pounds! Woohoo! Great job!

    1. Thanks, Kerry. I'm encouraged. Onward to month two. :-)

  2. congrats on your progress! and i love your goals, by the way.

    1. Thanks, Taylor! One day at a time. It's the only way for me. Here's to a successful second month! Thank you for your visit. Please come back again soon. Cheers!
