November is a big month.
In addition to being the start
of National Novel Writing Month, Write Non-Fiction NOW and National Blogging Month, it’s also a big month for me.
It’s the month I do a mini vacation (to Europe for the last three years) and it’s the month my sweet husbandasked
told me to marry him.
It’s the month I do a mini vacation (to Europe for the last three years) and it’s the month my sweet husband
So it seems appropriate that I choose November 1st
as the birthday of my new blog.
Plus, I promised my students that I would give this
November writing challenge a try. And what kind of a teacher would I be to
inspire my students to embark on a challenge that I was not willing to take
And so we begin. Welcome!
Nice to meet you! :) Happy Sweet November! It happens to be my favorite month (pfft, not biased at all because it's my birth month.. hehe)
P.S. We're having a party, we'd love it if you joined!